Self Discovery consultations

book a FREE 30 min consult here

I work intuitively working with Cognitive or Somatic release or a combination of both depending on what YOU need. Although I work intuitively - there is an element of working systematically using evidence based methodologies and techniques. I also work with Quantum Human Design™ - looking at your chart allowing us to better understand who we truly are…

This is a space where we can go deeper - allowing us to explore any conditionings that may still be held - how these may be holding you back in areas of your life - and how to navigate and break through - reconnecting with your authentic self. We then watch the unfolding of your PURPOSE as you step right into the life you were meant to live!

I have studied - and will continue to study - a vast number of modalities & techniques & apply them in some small way to my own life daily. I find there is no one-size-fits-all approach to self discovery and a little bit of your own uniqueness each day makes a HUGE difference along the way !

Quantum Human Design™ Chart Readings

book a FREE 30 min consult here

QHD shows us our UNIQUE blueprint - the way were are meant to make decisions - trust our inner knowing/gut feel - better understand hour relationships in our personal lives & at work - and ultimately live a sustainable, joyful, authentic and purposeful life. This system was founded by Karen Curry Parker.

Together we look at your chart - your energetic blueprint - and we unravel conditionings & explore your pathway to living out your purpose.

Lets get started with a 30min consult & we take it from there.

End Of Life Doula Services

book a FREE 30 min consult here

An EOL Doula provides emotional & spiritual support to those nearing their end of life & also to those close to them. Doulas have been serving communities for centuries - the name Doula being derived from ancient Greek meaning ‘ person of service’ . This is not a medical service but rather one of helping demystify death & dying and looking at what it means ‘to die on your terms’.

I aim to empower people through choice by educating & informing them of what is available & possible for them as they near their end of life. Most people think they have no say in death matters - but I encourage people to have honest, real & often uncomfortable conversations about how they want to be celebrated in death … death is not the end but just another chapter completed.

Some things I can assist with:

  • understanding information, options & choices available

  • assisting & organising legal documentation, advance care directives, emotional wills, funeral planning& legacy documents

  • navigating the health system & coordination of services & support networks

  • helping plan for an end of life that is meaningful to them - culturally, ethically, emotionally, spiritually

  • facilitating access to information & understanding resources

I work together with other Doulas so you have peace of mind that someone is always available to you during your time with me.

You are the expert in your life - You know your preferences - My role as an EOL Doula is to help you fulfil those